Course Description
Wanna know how to fully surrender your love life to God?
I'm talking about getting fully submerged into your prayers and walking away KNOWING WITH CONFIDENCE that God is moving on your behalf, and that results are gonna come pouring into your life!
Where you are for sure for sure knowing that God is NOT ignoring you and that your love life is taken care of. So much so, that you are no longer worried about...
Your singleness.
Your current relationship.
Your engagement season.
Or your marriage.
You see, the closest way to hear God and to have a meaningful relationship with God is through prayer.
And perhaps you DO pray. A LOT. But when it comes to praying about the needs and wants of your love life... eh... you just don't really know what to say.
Well, that could all change right now.
In this masterclass, I'm going to cover:
- 4 major reasons why you are unable to powerfully pray for your love life
- how you can fully surrender your love life to God
- how to have a meaningful and intimate relationship with God
- specifically what to pray about when it comes to having/wanting a relationship
- how to pray in a way that leaves you feeling confident and secure that God is taking care of this area of your life
Make sure you don't miss it!

Christian Relationship Author, Blogger & Coach
Selina Almodovar
Course curriculum
Webinar replay
Watch the Masterclass here
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